The below link contains questions that are frequently asked by shareholders and investors.
Please make utilize this, as points of uncertainty can sometimes be quickly resolved.

Entrust accepts inquiries from its shareholders and investors by email only. Please fill in the necessary matters in the inquiry form and press the "Send" button.

Points to Note when Inquiring

  • For inquiries related to services or for contacting us regarding business, reporting for the media, or the like, please contact us via "Inquiries".
  • Entrust endeavors to quickly respond to each inquiry, but, depending on the content of the inquiry, some time might be required to provide a response.
  • Depending on the content of the inquiry, it might not be possible to provide an answer. Please understand in advance that we decline responding to questions that fall under any of the below with a response related to IR information.
    • Please understand in advance that we decline responding to questions that fall under any of the below with a response related to IR information:
    • Questions for which the answer that might fall under a "material fact" under Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (shareholder returns, share price strategy, etc.)
    • Questions related to price movements of the stock market (share price trends, trading techniques, etc.)
    • Messages that constitute slander (speaking ill without grounds to do so, words that damage a reputation, etc.)
    • Inquiries related to sales or solicitation (introduction to XX service, etc.)
  • Entrust carefully handles personal information entered in inquiry forms. Please refer to the privacy policy for information regarding the handling of personal information by Entrust.

We kindly ask that you read and understand the above.
